viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010
jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
this notce is important for mi and for the world because the planes are in danger. The terrorists want exploded the planes because are the principal mean of transport from world, when they mission is sucessful, much people die.

So the govern must control the terrorism, is really that this accident was stopped in time, but this problem, specially nowdays, is a very problem for the world.
Translation of my oral presentation
Hola a todos, mi nombre es África Santeliz y mi tema para esta presentación es mi pasatiempo favorito.
desde pequeña, me gusta cocinar y experimentar con ingredientes normales, y hacer de ingredientes normales, buenas comidas. Pero mi problema, muy normalmente, fue que que los ingredientes que usaba no siempre eran los mejores, realmente, y mis experimentos acababan en el tazón de mi perro. Pero a medida que fui creciendo, he podido aprender nuevas recetas y hacer yo también.
Algo parecido logró Ferran Adrià, el mejor chef al rededor del mundo, el tiene el Bulli, que también es el mejor restaurante del mundo. Pero a mi no me gusta este restaurante: 1, es muy caro, ahora mismo no, porque esta cerrado, pero antes un plato costaba unos cien o doscientos euros. 2, la gran mayoría de los alimentos que se preparan allí son puro químico, y eso es muy mal para la salud. Pero él consiguió hacer nuevos estilos de comida y sus descubrimientos son ahora famosos.
No quiero llegar muy lejos, en realidad se que el mundo de la cocina esta dominada por hombres. Si, lo considero una injusticia, no se porqué pasa la verdad... Pero yo lo que quiero es disfrutar de mi trabajo, aprender varias recetas y hacer "arte".
Bueno, llegados a este punto, quiera enseñarles una receta muy famosa que a mi me gusta. Es sencilla, no se preocupen, les prometo que no morirán en el intento. ¿De acuerdo??
Esta receta es el Bizcocho normal con coco y naranja.
Necesitamos: Un yogurt, tres huevos, una medida del yogurt de aceite de oliva, una medida de coco rayado, dos medidas de azúcar, tres medidas de harina, tres cucharadas de levadura para pasteles y tres o cuatro cucharadas de piel de naranja rayada.
Ahora tenemos que mezclar todos los ingredientes para tener una crema suave, precalentamos el horno a unos ciento ochenta grados, el calor ha de venir por la parte de debajo del horno.
Ahora solo hemos de esperar unos treinta minutos y nuestro pastel quedará listo.
Gracias por escucharme, espero que les halla gustado mi presentación. ¿Alguna pregunta?
My personal opinion
My opinion for this oral presentation is more or less bad. I don't like my form of language expression, I stop way too and my lenguage is not really good.
The powerpoint is good, the presentation and animations are good. But the best part of my oral presentation is my body lenguage. Really, my brother helped me in this part.
Well, in general the presentation is good, I will improve the vocabulary because I want do my next presentation better.
Dominik Bloch (Adrian mole VS Thirteen)
He sais that the tenneagers has a big problem with influences: Drogs, friends alcohol...
He have bad friends but he not copy yhis influences all the time.
Tracy have a poor personality.
Manuel cansado (basketball)
The people started this game in indian country.
this game has evolucionate.
he says the reglament from the game.
Quim gironell (FCB)
This group born in 1978
he admire Pep guardiola because he is a humility person and fantastic.
He speack the parts of the Camp Nou.
Juan Carlos (Basketball)
He like the basketball.
Aspire to particip in leage.
He admire Pau Gasol.
Clara Vargas (She's horse)
She practice to going with a horse when she were 5.
Bero is the teacher of horse and she is similar to sister for clara.
She go with her friends to see a shows of horses.
You competice to a horse competicion?
Yes, in the las year.
Natalia Varela (Coral)
she go t figueres for sing with her group.
She go to Palau Sant jodi and sing very hard song.
This experience is the best of her life.
Pol MCant (Batucada)
This music is use for the brassilian carnivals.
He present tha diferents instruments for this music.
This mushic is hi's live.
miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010
Bill Gates
Bill Gates create "Windows" the O.S. more important a round the world. This notice is really important because, this men is the most rich in the worls and is an icon for the society.
Really, he are the more rich, but he colaborated with third world and pay the studies of one whole country.
For me, this notice is important, not for the help for the third world, is important because this man representate all one economic empire and I believed that this men could follow in this work.
film criticism
The song, the draw, the personality from characters... I love all.
Chihiro is a girl that arrived in a misterious place with her parents. Them, her parents, ate a food without permission, them after became pigs and Chihiro dicovered that this place is tha hotel of the gods of japan, more 8 milions.
She need work in this place for get her parents, transformed in humans.
Inter the movie, chihiro known a original characters, and her commitment makes that all end well.
Adrian Mole VS Thirteen
In Thirteen, Traci, for example, experimented with her life, as all the teenagers, but her influences were very bad. She want break her last life style and start a new. It isn't bad, but this new style corrupted her life, because the act was wrong. She learned of this and corrected her life with the help and love of her mother.
These two experiences have one important information: The life depends that you way for ever.
Fairy tail
After years her ghost, angry, destroyed her dinasty and the kingdom was liberated.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

I want to speak every tipe of racism:
The hate to other race or skin is the most old hate. In the first part of cultures, the skins were been very important, the people with the dark skin was poor because was needed working, and in this time the work was below sun, was normal that the people was of dark skin, and the rich people wasn't working and them not had dark skin. So, the skin were important for the economic position.

Well, the skin nowdays or until one hundred years, the skin are important because the white people believed that them were the best breed and therefore the colonization was justified.
Other part of racism is culture. Much people says: this people (musulmans, europeans, americans, asian... ) are the bacteria around the world... Why? Why this people can't see this people as normal? Them not believe that this people are normal, them believe that them are the normal people. This belief, said my history teacher, is very old and patriotism is the cause. I not say that this belief are bad, I say that much patriotism are a problem.
the last cause of racism, the most stupid, for me, is racism by the country. Even that spent three days saying that this belief are stupid, for me, still missing.

Chinese, indian, african, spanish, sudamerican... I don't believe that this people hate the people from other parts of the world, of the continent or the country. No! Why is important? born in a site or other the people always is people and human... the blood always is red. Even that I want to understand this belief, I can't!
In conclusion, this post I did because the racism are one big problem in the world and my desire for the future is that this problem disappears.
We are crazy...
When Natalia Selles and me are in math class, we were bored, and we started to drawing stupid monsters, and play with an improvised aircraft, with one rule and pen, and we were drawing in a paper: king kong, afther Gotzilla and last "the dark lord" ^^ MATHS!
Jajaja, when Natalia said me idea of it are funny for them blog. When we think to it, we laugh a lot, and us plan to video: the image, the song and the voices... I did the voice of the three monsters and she are the plane and supplements.
well this is the video...
sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010
Is funny, but my friends grew, I grew, and the music changed. When I was a child, the reggaeton was the "best" style from music in my country. Everybody listened this music: In houses, schools, bus, offices... everywhere.
I believe that the people change always and the trends change also. Because I also changed, my style and my taste also changed.
Before, I hated rock music. But nowdays I love this music. Also started my love by this style and other styles, as the manga style.
The people change, is really. I believe that after, I change more, I don't know to what, but I know that I will change.
My favourite song nowdays is "generation" or " when i'm gone" or also "rock and roll in the train"... many. To my brother also liked this songs, and also my friends like. Now I want to hear and prove new styles and enjoy from them.
viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010
my mind.
For my is really relaxing, I'm in my world and create relations with my personages, think what is going to pass, why the personages are thus?
other of things thats I like is that while more new and strange is the desing of the clothing or hairstyle, better.
In the manga world (this is my favourite art drawing) the mark of the personage is the most important for she/he/it... no matter it be male, female, monster or pet... the important of the personage is the caracter and the aspect.
You can prove differents styles: Japanese, american, magical, normal, future robots, lords and dragons, pixies... a long list of styles that you can use.
This advantage also can be one disadvantage, if one person creates a similar history before you, although you idea is good and funny, the people don't like you histori, it is not " original".
When i was five, I wrote my first comic. It personage was dinosaur, Dino :), but my histories logically change and now I intent to create one history of mistery. But is very hard, is necessary be smart, know when is the best moment for put one special moment.

For my, the best serie (withing inteligence) is "death note", is the most intelligent of the anime series. their personages are very charismatics and well designed. But the history really give me scary.
The videogames.
When the videogames born, the people couldn't believe that one screen could show one image moving and the spectator can play with this image.
Well, this group of images and movement was "Tennis for two" and consisted in two players that move in the screen, up and down, and not allow that the ball (it circulating in the screen) can't pass in the empty.

Well, this videogame was the first one, after exist it, extisted: pacman, mario bros, tetris...
This evolution were very speed. Nowdays, 30 years after, the videogames have more tecnology even that one movil telephone. Programming and image have a lot of tecnology and the artificial inteligence get new effects: adrenaline, fury, arousal...

For me, the best effect is the vertigo. Yes, the videogames with vertigo effects exist, and one the most popular is called "mirrors age"... The tecnology is impressive! in 30 years the company of videogame evolved and improved.

Now I question, is not possible exploit this inteligence for change the world?
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010
Oh my god!
ok, is really necessary form a war when the world want peace?
In our society, the people live with scary. The steals, the murders, the diseases, the ills... all is very dangerous. For example, in venezuela (this country is influenced by cuba) you can't walk for the street by the thieves, them want your money, your movil-telephone, Your shoes! Is unthinkable! When I heard to this... I cried. How one man can kill to other mens for rob his shoes! I can't believe this.
How want the countries create a war when the world is so dangerous? How? is evident that them don't think in the people...

I don't want critize the system, neither I'm interested, but in my opinion, the respect for the humanity is gone.
miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010
My mail for you, teacher.
Hello teacher.
First I want to introduce myself. My name is Africa Santeliz, I'm 15 years old and I live in Empuria Brava.
Sincerely, I'm not very good at English, instead I'm very bad, the language is not my especiality. But one of the reasons I'm in batxillerat is for learn English and be able to express myself.
What I like most of English is that it is universal, it doens't have borders. You can travel to every places in the world and speak English, everybody will understand you (everybody that talks English). Also, the songs and the movies in English are the best in the world.
This year, I have to do some changes. The last year I learned a lot thanks to the help of my english teacher, but this year I will improve more, I will!
Well teacher, this is the correction of my mail, I hope to you like.^^