I want to speak every tipe of racism:
The hate to other race or skin is the most old hate. In the first part of cultures, the skins were been very important, the people with the dark skin was poor because was needed working, and in this time the work was below sun, was normal that the people was of dark skin, and the rich people wasn't working and them not had dark skin. So, the skin were important for the economic position.

Well, the skin nowdays or until one hundred years, the skin are important because the white people believed that them were the best breed and therefore the colonization was justified.
Other part of racism is culture. Much people says: this people (musulmans, europeans, americans, asian... ) are the bacteria around the world... Why? Why this people can't see this people as normal? Them not believe that this people are normal, them believe that them are the normal people. This belief, said my history teacher, is very old and patriotism is the cause. I not say that this belief are bad, I say that much patriotism are a problem.
the last cause of racism, the most stupid, for me, is racism by the country. Even that spent three days saying that this belief are stupid, for me, still missing.

Chinese, indian, african, spanish, sudamerican... I don't believe that this people hate the people from other parts of the world, of the continent or the country. No! Why is important? born in a site or other the people always is people and human... the blood always is red. Even that I want to understand this belief, I can't!
In conclusion, this post I did because the racism are one big problem in the world and my desire for the future is that this problem disappears.
I like this post very much , Africa, . Lovely pictures. Congratulations!