For my is really relaxing, I'm in my world and create relations with my personages, think what is going to pass, why the personages are thus?
other of things thats I like is that while more new and strange is the desing of the clothing or hairstyle, better.
In the manga world (this is my favourite art drawing) the mark of the personage is the most important for she/he/it... no matter it be male, female, monster or pet... the important of the personage is the caracter and the aspect.
You can prove differents styles: Japanese, american, magical, normal, future robots, lords and dragons, pixies... a long list of styles that you can use.
This advantage also can be one disadvantage, if one person creates a similar history before you, although you idea is good and funny, the people don't like you histori, it is not " original".
When i was five, I wrote my first comic. It personage was dinosaur, Dino :), but my histories logically change and now I intent to create one history of mistery. But is very hard, is necessary be smart, know when is the best moment for put one special moment.

For my, the best serie (withing inteligence) is "death note", is the most intelligent of the anime series. their personages are very charismatics and well designed. But the history really give me scary.
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