miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

My mail for you, teacher.

Hello teacher.

First I want to introduce myself. My name is Africa Santeliz, I'm 15 years old and I live in Empuria Brava.

Sincerely, I'm not very good at English, instead I'm very bad, the language is not my especiality. But one of the reasons I'm in batxillerat is for learn English and be able to express myself.

What I like most of English is that it is universal, it doens't have borders. You can travel to every places in the world and speak English, everybody will understand you (everybody that talks English). Also, the songs and the movies in English are the best in the world.

This year, I have to do some changes. The last year I learned a lot thanks to the help of my english teacher, but this year I will improve more, I will!

Well teacher, this is the correction of my mail, I hope to you like.^^


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