The govern of this countries are very corrupt, they not want know or recognize the problem of them people, the sistem that they make is a think that is not very complicate, the money enters in the country, the money remains into the pockets of the dominants and the families of them, AND the friens of them fimilies... and for the poeple... nothing. Is easy, no?
But this problem occurs not only in this countries, around the world occurs, when i was in thrid of ESO, my teachers of arts teached me that in other countries where not there the revolution, occurs it, like somalia or congo.
The people die because the famine kills them, they live with less of one euro, they can't come to school, thay can't have health, they can't... I it the justice? for me no, for you, i believe that no, and for the rulers? I don't know...
Well, this is the question that all the gorld make but anybody can reply.

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