lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


Frankenstein is the most beautiful story that I seen, because contains all the temes that i love: Mystery, Hate, Love, and sadness. The creater, Mary Shelleis, was a women that was very oppressed because when she wrote this story, the womens can't publish a story easily, the society seem wrong that the womens write. Her best friend, Lord Bayron, believe that the womens can wirte and for this reason he encouraged she so that the write.
Well, this story also have a teme that is very original. In the Frankenstein times, the horror storis was a very little part from the stories and the people like it because it was very original. For this reason, Frankenstein is on of the most popular stories a round the world. The people in nowdays copy the argument, for movies, arguments and cartoons. Since I was a child, frankenstein was the escene that appeared in the big part of the cartoons that I seen, exemplifying the science craziness.

The best part of this story is the part when Victo went to the north for trap the monster, he want to avenge the death of his friends, and the monster whent to the north for be alone and die.
In the movie that I seen in the High School (thanks for this Lourdes) almost cry in this part.
But really, is better read the book and imagine the characters!

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