lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


Frankenstein is the most beautiful story that I seen, because contains all the temes that i love: Mystery, Hate, Love, and sadness. The creater, Mary Shelleis, was a women that was very oppressed because when she wrote this story, the womens can't publish a story easily, the society seem wrong that the womens write. Her best friend, Lord Bayron, believe that the womens can wirte and for this reason he encouraged she so that the write.
Well, this story also have a teme that is very original. In the Frankenstein times, the horror storis was a very little part from the stories and the people like it because it was very original. For this reason, Frankenstein is on of the most popular stories a round the world. The people in nowdays copy the argument, for movies, arguments and cartoons. Since I was a child, frankenstein was the escene that appeared in the big part of the cartoons that I seen, exemplifying the science craziness.

The best part of this story is the part when Victo went to the north for trap the monster, he want to avenge the death of his friends, and the monster whent to the north for be alone and die.
In the movie that I seen in the High School (thanks for this Lourdes) almost cry in this part.
But really, is better read the book and imagine the characters!

The time with my cousins

jeje, two days ago, i went to my cousin's home, they are Naomi and Laura. Naomi have 6 years old, she is very nice person but is a little presumed and smart, she have short straight and black hair, black eyes, have brown skin and is very thin.
My other cousin is Laura, she have 4 years old, also is very nice person but is very headstrong! She have long curly and blond hair, have blue eyes, is little fat. Is very clumsy!
They are antagonistic girls, in the personality and in the body. Really, they not seem sisters they are absolutly differents, but they have a white heart and are very sweet.
Well, while I was in them home, we slept, played, drew, sung... a lot of things... they asked me that stay on them home, other night, but I can't! I have a lot of work and exams... I want that end the exams period!

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011


Egypt, Sudam, Libya... they are countries that affects the median orient crisis... is very pattetic, this people only want eat three times in the day! ONLY!
The govern of this countries are very corrupt, they not want know or recognize the problem of them people, the sistem that they make is a think that is not very complicate, the money enters in the country, the money remains into the pockets of the dominants and the families of them, AND the friens of them fimilies... and for the poeple... nothing. Is easy, no?
But this problem occurs not only in this countries, around the world occurs, when i was in thrid of ESO, my teachers of arts teached me that in other countries where not there the revolution, occurs it, like somalia or congo.
The people die because the famine kills them, they live with less of one euro, they can't come to school, thay can't have health, they can't... I it the justice? for me no, for you, i believe that no, and for the rulers? I don't know...
Well, this is the question that all the gorld make but anybody can reply.


He is my hero. Everybody have one. The heroes are persons that the people admire because they have skills that everybody like a lot. In my case, he is a cartoonist and his draws are my inspiration source. He draw darkness, sadness and feeling, they are not very beautyfull, but the message that they have is very pretty. The maker of DemiceMAN is a boy that have problems with his parents and his friend or girlfriend. He believe that he hurt everybody that follow him, that want be friends of he, and he draw a paint that reflect it.
Well, I'm trying imitate his art, and the reason is that i love the sence of his draws, the sadness of them and the dark effect.
Three weeks ago, I started copy his style and the result are very well but my art is incomparable to his art and I need more time for make draws like he.
This is hos art!

And this is mine!


Since I was a child, my favourite interest is write a stories. I write a lot of diferents stories and fables. My first story was a fable that the main character was a dinosaur. It’s name was Dinotid and when I was writen this comic or cartoon my fathers saw it… they laught a lot. In nowdays I write stories that I believe that they are very well, because they talk about problems of the humanity as the maschismo, slavery, injustice… and a lot of my stories also talk that the love cure all, this is a little fragment of one of my stories thats I be inpired of Frakeinstein and one of my sciences classes.

-I’m a monster?- Says She while he hugs to she.

-No, you are the best person around the World. You are inocense and pure, you don’t know the world and never will know.

- Lie!- He says it and immediately kissed she, they were silent and she started to cry.

Hello Alice!

when i'm gone!

this is the first verse of lyric of "When I'm gone", of simple plan group.
It is very important for me, is realistic, I like that it says in few words. Is really, the people is on tide from emotions and they can't get out from it. They sleep, and don't recognize the true. The live in nowdays is poor, not in the economic sense, I mean in the emotion sence, the live is: money, prestige or fashion... No!
Why is it? Why the problem of the families is it? but they not have the fault, the fault is from the society, from the trade and the people that the most important in they lives is the money. They promote that the life style from them is the best and the people that not have it is lower and failed... this is it!

National geographic!

When I was a child saw this program with desire that the next program appears on the TV because i love the information and the images of the animals or the curiositis that in this program appeared.
is very rare, but the best part, for me, was the parts on the beasts from the jungle hunted they food, other animals. Yes, is very rare, but they was the part on more action appears, and normally, this animals, was leon or tiggers, i love them, and when i was a child I wanted have these as pets. Yes! is very strange! but, everybody want this animals when we are childs, no?
Well, other part that i love, is the space and the universe. Oh god! is very beautyfull! it are a part of the nature that i love a lot.


Five minutes ago, i saw in the television a girl that is really famous, i don't know why is famous, she is a beautyful artis os similar. But her problem not is the fame or the money, is her personality. Is very bitter and don't has any friends, even her mother! when i saw the program, the presenter says that she compare the people to enemies, she insult them, yells, and crying.
I belive that this type of person are very sad, and they need atention, from they parents and friends, because the fame is very cruel and make that the involved person thinks that he or she are the best of the worls, but with the time, they recognize that this is not real, and they fall on depression... this is the problem. fom me, this girl is victim from the fame and she can't get out from it.