miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

The time!!!!

Omg, I can’t believe that the year is just to finish. The time was passed very speed! The most spectaculars that when I was deciding come to batxillerat I believed that this year will pass very slow...

But the reality is very different; I can’t believe that I pass the first and the second terms. And the people of my class change a lot! Everybody changed on relation of the notes and the relation for other persons... Teachers too, they changed because not want make the exams like the first term, they says that they was very eases... but for me was very hard!!! We can’t come back on the past, the things has changed a lot, every days we have work, exams, study... I can’t make more!

But well, my mother promised me that when I will finish the first of batxillerat, I will go to Venezuela. It is my recompense, like my brother. Also he where went to Venezuela when he finished the first of batxillerat... I’m so happy, because I count the days and I discover that for come to Venezuela I need fewer 100 days... yes, I’m very paranoiac, but I want get away NOW!

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Tirantic. Part 1

The last story that I made is a short anecdote from the war. It is very different to my other stories because I never use this tipes of arguments to create a story.

The plot is the life of one boy whose family is very rich. He has a lot of things, but he doesn’t have love.

His father is a important military capitan and want that his soon where like he. Like this, his father send he to the war, and he learn defend a little bit, but not tha nessesary and in the battle he was casualty.

One boy that also participe on this war, save his life and helped him. Everybody run away, but the boy and his “friend” couldn’t. For this reason, they needed run away lonely.

In the travel of come to home, they was mistrust the one from the other and all the ways was very diffiuld. But finally they get arrive to home.

The family of the rich boy, in the first, dosen’t want recognize that the boy saved the live of they soon, but with the time, the soon from this family intented to make that this family recognize this thing, because he wanted that his friend obtains a reward.

Well this is the firt part of my store, the seond part is very complicate from explain on english and in other moment upload i ton the block. In this moments i’m Darwin the pricipals characters: The boy that go to war because his father want is Layton, and the other boy is Sashta.

On DeviantArt they are very famous, but the most famous is sashta. For the people is the best one and they want that I write the story or Dra. The comic for know the end of story! For me this is very imprtant, because in my life one of things that is very importatn is write a good stories and that the people likes it.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Oral presentation

Yes, my oral presentation in this term was very poor. I don't know why I got nervous, the text are very well, but in the lats moment... attacked me the nervous... also was very short!
Well, my pronuntiation has very good in comparation to the last term. Also, the phrases construction was better, but... POLITICATION! oh my god! when I say this... well, is a epic fail.
In the 3rt term, I want to make my oral presentation better in relation from this.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Killer or Hero?

The CPI investigates the action from Gaddafi per his assumptions cases from tortures and crimes from the humanity. The president afimar that his people love him and any of his country can die for he per his love to him. This case is very especial because this men kill a lot of people that don't like his policy, but they was from his country! The ONU can't make nothing because this country are not in the register from ONU.

Caution Drivers!

In Spain, the govern try save energy and fuel, for this reason, from 7 of march, the cars can't circule over 110 KM in the principals highways. In the country the people is very upset, they not want that the velocity is reduced, they opine that the govern make this norm because they want collect more money, like a cash register! Instead, for others, this norm are very well, becasue they opine that in the highways is necessary lower the velocity.


In the locality from Rojales, one men from England attempted to kill his women strangling he. The police stopped the men when he was in his home, whit his women. The men want to kill his women per unknow reasons and they was married a lot of time. The men was 40 yeas old and don't seemed aggresive.
The people cant speack this case because the couples seemed nomally... This tipe from cases increase more day to day...


Edward scissorhands is the movie that, for my, is the best one.
This movie was created by Tim Burton. He imagined the story when he was 12 years old. Then, he was a outcast boy and the people, for he, was like the people that ppears in the movie... False.
This is critique from the society: In one perfect world, where the people is "happy" appears a boy that instead hands, has sissors. In the principle, the people wanted him, because with the sissors he could cut: the plants, the hairs, the hair of the dogs... a lot of things, and while he can make this things, the people love he... but when one boy that was jealous from him began to says that this boy was a danger, the people hated him. Only two persons love him with true, and they attempt to help him...
Finally, the boy must to flee and forget this world forever...
In my opinion, the movie is very well, the artist and the characters are very originals, especially the protagonist. This is the best movie that I seen and always that I see it... I cry...

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


This is the web place that for me is the best around the world! in it you can upload your draws and photographies for all the people around the world can see it.
Is very nice share your draws, because them reflect not only the art of the person if not the feelings. In your Artworks you can explain your tastes and your desires, also you draw or make pictures because you want that the other persons see it and coment, like the comics or the short stories.
On this world, the people scores your artworks with simbols, and when you are very well in your work, the people gives you Llamas or cakes (simbolically), and when you are one of the best artist on this web, the people gives you Points, especial points, for be exact, this ponts you can buy only with money and in the web the people give point for the best one so that he or she can but more art material for make more draws.
In my case, althought i'm not very famous, I have watchers and friends that give me Llamas or comment my draws.